Monday, December 28, 2015

Have me told about…
Munch|van Gogh?

You know me love art right? Me love to draw and color in me coloring books. But me also love to visit a museum or two. With me friend Berry me have been to the Van Gogh Museum three times last year. But the last time, me loved it the best. That was already back in September (told ya me is a bit behind on me blogging). So we went to the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam for this special exhibit of art made by Vincent van Gogh and Edvard Munch!

September 22nd 2015
The exhibit was beautiful with works of art inspired by Van Gogh. Me could see Munch loved the same things to paint. At the exhibit paintings that were truly inspired by Van Gogh but made by Munch were hanging side by side, like these two Starry Nights. But me loved the Scream the best. There are different Screams made by Munch, but this one is extra special: it is the first one he made. Cool huh.

Me saw the Scream once before at the Lego Exhibit. Then it was made by Nathan Sawaya out of Legos. That was cool too. Check out me blog about that too if you want to read more about it:

made out of Lego

Do you like art? And if so. Who is your favorite artist or what is your favorite piece?

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