Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Dutch Alfabet - 2

Starring the letter B.

Well, Berry starts with a B, and she is my best friend... so B is for Berry, that's good enough for me!

Although Berry is an old Dutch name for girls, it is common in the Netherlands to call a boy Berry too. Well... it has to be spelled with an A instead of an E, but it sounds like it... so Berry has a lot of explaining to do.

The B also stands for Banketbakkerij, which translates as PastryBakery. When you are in the province of Brabant you can order Bosche Bollen. It's a sort of cake. It has a thin crust of dough, shaped as a ball, filled with whipped cream. The crust is covered in a thick layer of chocolate. It is a real Dutch treat.

Other Dutch B-words are: Belastingdienst (tax service), Bakkeleien (it is Utrechts for having words), Bassie (Berries lovely dog) and Belgenmop (joke about the inhabitants of Belgium, very common in the Netherlands).

Do you know more typical Dutch B-words? Than make a comment!

Byebye for now!

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